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10 June 2020

I'm thrilled to present my new tune "Impatient" which I recorded at home during the lockdown. Although I've written this to be played by a full band, the current circumstances have given me a chance to be creative and arrange it for just violin(s). For those interested in the technicalities, it's played on my 5 string violin and 4 string and there are generally 3 parts, playing at once, up to 4 occasionally! If you've enjoyed listening, do subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow my on social media @violinrich.

22 April 2020

I hope this post finds everyone well wherever you are. It is of course an extraordinary time and one which currently has no set timeframe. Speaking to friends and colleagues around the world, we are all aware that live music in it's traditional form is on hold for the foreseeable future, which presents a whole range of challenges. However, I know that despite the difficulties, many are keeping creative and finding their solace in art & music. I have been taking the opportunity to explore recording at home.
I'd love to share a couple of things which I am proud to have achieved in this time. The first, a collaboration with a great friend of mine Pete Lee. It's a beautiful tune that he wrote and we recorded together from the East and West of London. You can listen below.

Secondly, my last gig before everything was cancelled was with the Nicolas Meier World Group at Colchester Arts Centre. This gig was filmed and recorded and I'm very pleased that it was! It has resulted in a wonderful live album and some great videos, the first of which you can watch below. If you'd to listen to the live album, visit Nicolas' Website HERE

Please stay in touch over this time and if you would like to be made aware of any new releases or music, do follow my Instagram / Facebook pages.
Stay safe and thanks for your support.
Richard x

10 February 2020

Happy New Year to you all - a bit late I know but better late than never!
I'm looking forward to all of the music making that 2020 will be bringing, including bringing much of my own music to life I hope! I am finishing writing a number of pieces which I then intend to make an album with in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled!

I also have a number of concerts with bands over the coming months, so do check out my live page for info on those.
After a wonderful set of gigs in South France in September last year with Gabrielle Ducomble, we received a fantastic video of our set it Nimes which you can watch below.

I hope to see / hear from you over the coming year and I hope you have a fantastic year whatever you spend it doing!

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