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19 December 2021

Hi everyone, here's my Christmas arrangement for 2021 - The Holly and The Ivy.

It was great fun to make, I'm not sure where the Jig section came from, but it felt good so I wen't with it!
If you like what you hear, please consider "buying me a coffee" by clicking the link below.


I won't be drinking these coffee's - all of the money donated will go to Crisis to help the homeless this Christmas.
Have a great Christmas and enjoy the music,Rich x

27 September 2021

It's been great to get back to playing live over the Summer and Autumn - there's nothing like being up close to an audience and playing live music!
Over the third lockdown, I worked with Nicolas Meier and the World Group on a new album 'Magnificent', which is due to be released soon.

Along with gigs with other projects, there is an ongoing tour with the World Group, with an Album launch at the 606 Club in London on 10th October.
Hope to see some of you there!
Rich x

4 December 2020

I've not posted an update for a little while so I thought I'd let you know a bit of what I've been up to over the Autumn. Truth be told, there hasn't been a huge amount happening due to obvious reasons, but - there have been a few positive moments in the midst of all of the madness.

Firstly, I started teaching Jazz Violin at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It's great to be back having studied there just a few years ago and work with some of the jazz string players.

There have been a spattering of gigs, mostly streamed online with the brilliant Nicolas Meier, but we were lucky enough to have a couple of live shows with an audience too, one at Shepperton Jazz Club and the other in Burford. (Image below is Burford Jazz)

With the second lockdown over, things are still far from normal, but hopefully things will begin to edge back to normal as we enter 2021!

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